Registration for Participation

Registration for Participation

Registration form for Participation has been closed.
You can register and make a payment (by cash) at the Registration Desk.
Registration Fee
The 56th HPCJ on 10-12 November 2015On or before 1 October 2015From 2 October 2015 Abstract Book
Banquet on 11 November 2015On or before 1 October 2015From 2 October 2015
Banquet Fee7,000 yen8,000 yen
Banquet Fee for Students3,000 yen4,000 yen
Registration Period
  • Early Bird Registration: received on/before 1 October, 2015.
  • Late Registration: received on 2-26 October, 2015.
  • On-site registration is also available.
How to pay
  • Bank transfer using a payment slip of JAPAN POST BANK (JP Bank)
  • Bank transfer
    JP Bank, 099 branch, Checking account 227154
For All Partispants
Only for the early bird registration, receipt and registration card, in which your name and affiliation are typed, will be mailed on mid October. For late and on-site registrations the receipt and registration card is given to you at the reception desk on 56th HPCJ.
For JSHPST Regular members
Use the payment slip of JP Bank, in which the bank account 00940-7-227154 is printed. This is only for the payment of registration, banquet and Abstract book fees. It is enclosed with the membership invoice in fiscal year 2015. Please note that the bank account for registration fee of 56th HPCJ is different from that for annual fee of JSHPST membership.
For Non-Members
Please ask the secretariat (touronkai56 highpressure.jp) by 1th October 2015. Otherwise you are able to pay the registration fee using bank transfer or the payment slip what the JSHPST members have.